Slots And Vnode Field
If you want to support rendering slots and a certain field passed in props in template mode, you just need to define default content for the slot.
<script setup>
import { usePrograms } from '@overlastic/vue'
defineProps({ title: String })
const { visible, /* ... */ } = usePrograms()
<div v-if="visible">
<slot name="title">
<!-- default content -->
{{ title }}
If you want to support rendering a certain field as a VNode in callback (imperative) mode, we recommend using the built-in Field component.
Field will help you handle the rendering of VNode|Component|string, and it can be used in both callback and template mode.
Here is a complete example that supports rendering Slots, String, VNode, and Component:
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { Component, VNode } from 'vue'
import { Field, usePrograms } from '@overlastic/vue'
title?: String | VNode | Component
const { visible, /* ... */ } = usePrograms()
<div v-if="visible">
<slot name="title">
<!-- string, VNode, or Component -->
<Field :is="title" />
const result = await renderOverlay(Component, {
title: h('div', 'You Content')